May 16, 2023
min read

What is Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)?

What is Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)?

Equip your browser with a dry suit for safer internet surfing.

IT is no longer confined to the company's premises but has spread across the web. For IT managers, the level of risk has increased drastically, forcing them to place locks everywhere. However, a solution exists and consists simply in remotely isolating the execution of the browser from the user's computer. Explanations.

In a context of massive digitalization, information systems are gradually becoming decentralized, leading users to connect more and more online to access their business applications. Not to mention the democratization of hybrid work, and therefore remote work, leading employees to access organizations' internal IT from access points that do not always comply with security policies. When there are.

For CIOs and CISOs, this headache has more or less resulted in a stack of barriers of all kinds and VPN tunnels that are not always under control. With, sometimes, a penalization of uses, the corollary of which is the generation of avoidance and circumvention strategies on the part of employees. However, the attack surface has multiplied and the level of risk has never been so high. And the facts are there, most attacks against information systems today pass through the browser, a real gateway for hackers.

The RBI: a proactive and extremely simple approach

In 2018, Gartner identified the technology Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) consisting in separating the browser from the information system by positioning it at a break between the workstation and the remote site. A deferral of physical activity from navigation. Concretely, instead of detecting a threat and trying to counter its execution, the RBI proposes a proactive approach.

Secure Remote Browser Isolation

In operation, the user is protected while surfing the Internet by running his navigation on a remote server. The difference with a thin client like Citrix is the absence of the need for third-party applications since you only need to use any browser. Another difference is that, for him, everything is transparent. Navigation remains fluid and no installation is required. Nothing is changing. Today, there are two technologies: DOM and pixel rendering. The first proposes a reconstruction of the code of the pages visited which, even if simplified, can still carry malicious content. The second, much more secure, returns the session to the user's screen via a controlled stream of pixels (streaming). This is the approach that was chosen by VirtualBrowser.

Compatible with all operating systems, VirtualBrowser works without agents or plugins on Chrome, Firefox and Edge and all types of devices. This French solution, developed by Oodrive, offers a SaaS and On Premise hosting for companies that want to maintain control of their environment (regulatory constraints).

Enhanced Security for IT Teams

Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) is a cybersecurity innovation that acts as a barrier between untrusted content and the user's system.

  • Physical separation: The RBI ensures that unverified code is never executed locally, thus minimizing risks of attacks like malware and ransomware.
  • Business Continuity: In the event of an incident, users can continue to work from personal terminals without affecting the company network via VirtualBrowser, which becomes one of the key building blocks of your PCA/PRA strategies.
  • Easy integration: Compatible with existing proxy solutions and offering flexible hosting options (SaaS or On-Premise).

Flexibility and Control for Users

Remote Browser Isolation is more than just a security shield; it's a tool that provides a rich user experience without compromising security.

  • Secure access: Users have a secure access to a variety of web services, which could previously be blocked or restricted by company security policies.
  • Anonymity and Security: The RBI allows secure and anonymous web browsing, ideal for activities such as competitive intelligence or surveys.
  • Zero Installation: No agents to deploy on user workstations, making the adoption process extremely simple.

Thus, the RBI provides a robust solution for security and flexibility needs both for IT teams and for end users.

Browser Isolation
Zero Trust
Julien Rozeaux
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